Reality Check


One of the “modern pioneers” of the present day homesteading movement was Carla Emery, who during the Jesus People days wrote a book called “The Encyclopedia of Country Living.” first published in 1969. We have a copy.

Carla has long since passed away, but during her day, her pioneering work faced seriously strong opposition over the decades. Including in the 1980’s when Kathy and I got married and started living this way. In reality, it was a good way to be quickly seen as “odd” and get uninvited from church social events.

But things are changing, there is a new wind blowing. And I will talk more about that at a later date.

Here is a reality check video, for everyone looking to move into the world of homesteading. It’s a video from Esther Emery, Carla youngest daughter. Who is living with her husband Nick in the mountains of Idaho, Enjoy.


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